SynthMaster Everything Bundle

Great choice for ultimate music production

Regular Price: $379.00

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Upgrade from SynthMaster: $249.00

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Upgrade from SynthMaster One: $279.00

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Upgrade from Player: $349.00

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Upgrade from 1+2 Bundle: $219.00

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Upgrade from SynthMaster Academic: $119.00

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SynthMaster 'Everything Bundle' includes SynthMaster 2.9, SynthMaster One and ALL the current preset expansion banks released by KV331 Audio. There are currently 31 preset banks by 9 authors which contain 1800 presets for various genres. The total number of presets in the entire bundle is currenly 4500, but it's growing day by day!

  • SynthMaster 'Everything Bundle' also includes free free upgrade to SynthMaster v3.0, which is expected to be released around Q4 of 2019.

  • Compared to purchasing SynthMaster, SynthMaster One and preset banks separately, 'Everything Bundle' is around 40% cheaper

To learn more about SynthMaster 2.9, visit our SynthMaster v2.9 page.

To learn more about SynthMaster One, visit our SynthMaster One page.

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