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SynthMaster v2.9
SynthMaster One
SynthMaster Player
Expansion Sounds
SynthMaster 1+2 Bundle
SynthMaster Everything Bundle
SynthMaster One iOS
SynthMaster Player iOS
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Frequently Asked Questions
System Requirements
What are the system requiremens for SynthMaster / SynthMaster Player ?
2.0 Ghz, Intel SSE3 instruction set
2 GB
Windows 7 and above
MacOSX 10.7 and above
For AAX (32bit):
ProTools 10.3.7 and above
For AAX (64bit):
ProTools 11 and above
SynthMaster DEMO
What are the limitations of SynthMaster Demo version ?
SynthMaster Demo version is identical to SynthMaster except the following limitations:
1) Saving presets is disabled
2) The demo stops working after 15 minutes
3) Comes with 650 factory presets
I purchased your products through a 3rd party shop. How do I register?
Please go to our
registration page
and register your purchased product there.
How can I use multiple coupons while purchasing products on your website ?
Use of multiple coupons is not supported currently. Instead, watch out for our seasonal sales so you can combine those coupons with the already discounted prices!
Do I have to create a PayPal account to make a purchase on your website ?
No, that is not required. You can purchase without opening up a PayPal account.
When I try to make my purchase, I receive error messages from PayPal, such as "The customer doesn't have sufficient funds in his account"
We have no control on the payment processing. If PayPal is throwing an error, you should contact them or your credit card company to verify your account balance.
I am trying to purchase Everything Bundle, but on the purchase page it's asking me to enter my SynthMaster serial number.
You are trying to purchase Everything Bundle Upgrade, which is for existing users. Please purchase Everything Bundle on the purchase page at:
I downloaded SynthMaster VST/AAX setup for Windows, and ran the setup. I am getting the following error: "Source file not found: SynthMasterLicenseKey.txt"
You should first unzip the downloaded zip file to a temporary folder and then run the setup. The zip file includes your license key file, which is intstalled by the setup to the correct location.
When I instantiate SynthMaster, I get the following error: "The following folder specified in SynthMasterFolders.txt is not a valid installation folder" and SynthMaster doesn't start.
You installed the latest update, not the initial/full setup. Please download the initial/full setup at: MacOSX: Windows:
I installed SynthMaster/SynthMaster Player, however my DAW application did not detect it.
Please make sure you installed the VST dlls/files to the folder where your DAW app scans for VST plugins. You might also have to rescan depending on the DAW app you are using.
On how many computers am I allowed to install SynthMaster ?
You are allowed to install SynthMaster/SynthMaster Player on up to 5 machines at a time.
How do I register my information on your web site ?
You don't have to register your details with us. When you make your purchase at PayPal, we already receive your details from PayPal, and we enter those into our database automatically.
I am getting 'License Key File contains invalid values' error. What should I do ?
contact us
, we will send you a new serial number.
How can I verify which version of SynthMaster I have installed ?
To verify your version, move the mouse over the “KV331 Audio SynthMaster” text area on the header, SynthMaster will display the current version on the tooltip area
I installed SynthMaster but it doesn't show on my desktop, or under "Applications" folder
SynthMaster or SynthMaster Player are not standalone applications, they are plug-ins. You can instantiate them under applications known as DAW (digital audio workstation). If you don't have a DAW application, you can download a freeware VST/AU host application off the web, and use SynthMaster inside it.
Preset Banks
Can I purchase and use KV331 Audio's preset expansion banks in SynthMaster Player ?
Yes, you can.
Can I purchase and use third party preset expansion banks in SynthMaster Player ?
Unfortunately, that is not possible.
How can I import preset expansion banks into SynthMaster Player ?
Please see pages 10-11 of SynthMaster Player User Manual, importing preset banks is explained there.
Will I get future preset banks for free if I purchase 'Everything Bundle' ?
Everything Bundle' contains current presets only, not future ones. However, we send you a coupon code in the email that is sent when you purchase 'Everything Bundle'. Using that coupon code, you can purchase banks released after your purchase at a discounted price.
I purchased some preset banks from you guys, and now want to upgrade to 'Everything Bundle'. Can I receive credit for the banks that I already own ?
Yes that is possible. When we do seasonal sales (Spring Sale, Summer Sale, etc), we calculate the credit amount for each user, and send him/her a coupon code for that credit amount. Because of that, please make sure your registered email with us can receive email from us!
Refund & Return Policy
How can I get a refund for an in an purchase I made fro SynthMaster Player iOS?
You should contact Apple for refunds, as they handle the payment processing in the AppStore.
I incorrectly purchased one of your products twice. Can I get a refund?
Contact us
and we'll refund your purchase immediately.
I purchased one of your products, however it fails to work on my system. Can I get a refund ?
If the SynthMaster, SynthMaster Player or any of our preset expansion banks fail to work on your system, please
contact us
first. We will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible. As stated in our license agreement, if we can not resolve the issue in 7 (seven) business days, we will refund your purchase amount back.
I purchased one of your products, however it was an impulsive buy and I did not like the product. Can I get a refund?
You are welcome to resell your license, we will waive the transfer fee of $15. We would highly encourage our potential buyers to try out SynthMaster DEMO or SynthMaster Player FREE and also listen to the audio demos of our preset banks before making their final purchasing decision.
License Transfer
Can I transfer my current 'Academic' license to somebody else ?
If that person is a student, you can transfer your license. Please keep in mind that $15 license transfer fee also applies when transferring academic licenses.
I want to transfer my license to somebody else. What is the procedure ? Is there a transfer fee ?
When you find the buyer, please
contact us
, the trasfer fee is $15.
Can I transfer preset expansion banks that I purchased in the past?
You can not transfer banks individually. You can transfer your entire license (SynthMaster + preset banks) only.
I decided to resell my current license. Where is a good place to announce that?
You can check out KVR Audio Marketplace to resell your license.
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